The future of mobility in Europe | DW Documentary Part(2)

The future of mobility in Europe | DW Documentary Part(2)

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This piece of the Master is going to Marseille and this part to get Belgium United freight Deutschland Germany Nuremberg done and afterward back to Iraq the silomania a considerable amount EU regulation has severe standards for Truck drivers they should get back to their nation of origin like clockwork for instance yet albeit the regulations should assist drivers with working better and have all the more leisure time there is obstruction Eastern European drivers dread these guidelines will limit their capacity to work delivering them uncompetitive [Music] 75 of cargo transport in Europe is dealt with by trucks no big surprise Street Transport is so harming to the environment in 2019 it represented 26 of all CO2 outflows in the EU while complete CO2 emanations have fallen those created by Street Transport have truly ascended over a similar period [Music] to become environment unbiased vehicles representing things to come should be sans discharge truck producers are really buckling down on options in contrast to the diesel motor unfamiliar one of the significant specialized difficulties for trucks is the subject of how we can Carry out CO2 free vehicle for Cargo traffic on the streets these are strong Vehicles their motors have a ton of influence and they need it they travel numerous kilometers a year they need High payloads and a ton of adaptability and we're certain that these elements will remain vital for future Vehicles too my group and I are keen on improvement in the field of fills specifically elective energizes that might actually be considered as energy hotspots for controlling trucks right now we're taking a gander at hydrogen yet there are certainly different up-and-comers that premium us there are most certainly naturally more amicable options in contrast to the track by the by only one European nation has reliably picked choices Switzerland in 1994 the Swiss populace chose to present a higher duty on petroleum and to utilize the income to back rail transport ation we had been thinking for quite a while about what we could do about this Motorway project coming into vallis and afterward we found that different cantons had similar issues we saw that increasingly more traffic was coming that an ever increasing number of tasks were coming and that this was being felt in daily existence with these trucks passing through the towns and truly making life troublesome and afterward we said we can take care of business together Krista mumble was one of the organizers behind a famous drive to shield the Elevated district from a lot of traffic is our drive was framed to battle weighty Products traffic on the way at the end of the day against the trucks that basically cross Switzerland on their way from Germany to Italy we saw rapidly that essentially sending off a drive against the motorway wouldn't work you need to persuade individuals to decide in favor of the drive and assuming you express it's against the motorway that in some way doesn't work you need to plan it emphatically and that is the point at which we brought the plan to the table for an elective how would we manage the traffic we shift it to the rail routes thank you [Music] unfamiliar trucks a year crossing the Alps and to accomplish this something that is being financed is the change to rail traffic so terminals are being fabricated Switzerland can and ought to likewise partake in terminals in Northern Italy and Southern Germany [Music] it was effective it was a tremendous move yes it was an extraordinary encounter [Music] Switzerland is the main country in Europe where the train is the main method for Transport for the two individuals and merchandise that in a country whose bumpy landscape doesn't make it a conspicuous competitor [Music] the rail line is famous and individuals have over and over chose to burn through billions on additional extension thus genuine vehicle is completely coordinated into the economy for both traveler and Cargo transport [Music] the huge Swiss corporate store me develop is attempting to diminish its carbon impression to a flat out least that is the reason practically all conveyances are made via train is the biggest confidential boss in Switzerland we utilize very nearly a hundred thousand individuals we have a place with individuals roughly 2,000,000 individuals in Switzerland are our proprietors we are a Helpful shaft natural products is marvelous as far as we're concerned it is critical to make Strategies proficient and economical that is the reason we worked by the rule genuine vehicle before Street transport airfree transports are totally negligible for us all things considered one percent of our Merchandise on the off chance that in uncommon cases we by the by need to fly Merchandise we charge an expense for these vehicles we put this cash into an asset which we then use to advance our own supportability projects so with this privileges spearheading and three substance Switzerland was a Trailblazer in the improvement of rail transport both on the traveler side and on the cargo side venture along these lines we are dealing with different undertakings one is called freight suttera this is tied in with building a cargo Rail line under the ground does a second Imaginative supportability project is the H2 Portability project in Switzerland which permits us to begin shipping products utilizing power module innovation [Music] negro likewise has its products from abroad conveyed only via train shipping merchandise by rail produces multiple times less CO2 than Air transport and multiple times not as much as transport by truck the Hoopa freight terminal north of Milan is a circuitous result of the Swiss mandate folks might I at any point verify rottenham OK Imprint on the one two three four five you can't utilize the sounds I checked the leaving trains we have different objections all over Europe primarily Germany Switzerland northern Europe Sweden too right now we have around 25 to 30 sets of trains here flights and appearances each day we're working a full limit [Music] can you by any opportunity let me know if the hebu 4628581 is showing up I don't see it anyplace in the takeoffs yes it's showing up OK thanks this large number of trains that we bring to Northern Europe travel through Switzerland through the Gothard burrow today the trains are longer than they used to be they used to be 550 meters in length today they are 650 meters in length so you can say there is more work and that is something worth being thankful for no place is the rail route Organization Rail routes have molded our lives on the landmass throughout the previous two centuries associating societies and helping the economy today 226 000 kilometers of track bungle Europe assuming you laid them start to finish you could circumvent the world five and a half times yet there's a trick the eu's rail network is an arrangement of 26 separate genuine organizations that are not completely viable with each other to interface Europe the EU burned through 27 billion euros from 2014 to 2020. 66% of that went into extending the motorways while only 33% was put resources into rail Organizations [Music] today we can undoubtedly arrive at significant urban communities by rapid train frequently more rapidly than via plane yet there are huge holes with regards to Nearby transportation in certain districts of Europe the rail line network is rotting the period of prosperity no longer arrives at these areas traffic corridors that once brought energy are rotting removing unassuming communities and towns a disastrous illustration of the decay of the Rail line is kochani in Northern Macedonia the entire stage was loaded with individuals you can't envision how swarmed it was he took us once per day a cargo train with more than 100 carts passed by this train went throughout Eastern Macedonia 100 Cargo vehicles and every one of them here at kochani station today the business is deteriorating and more dislike prior to during socialist times currently no cargo train has shown up for over a portion of a year yet it would be conceivable whenever the station is open for Cargo traffic is the traveler train runs at night once a day in the first part of the day it takes individuals from here to Skopje and back at night do you have at least some idea how significant a global train would be for these Towns and towns for transport velish vinicha kamencha Del Chavo Vero the train could contact them generally on the socialism we had regulations work the European Association is a mafia mind boggling Europe ought to gain from us not the reverse way around without traffic there is no life since products and capital should be continually moving the trading of merchandise implies life the trains must be utilized tragically that is not true anymore the organizations have vanished in the event that we had Express trains would I stay here and work for 200 Euros no I would go to Scorpio to bring in more cash there that trains are for we have no real way to drive anyplace the individuals who have a vehicle will go to Scorpio the rest need to remain here in cochini it's miserable a calamity it very well may be different yet that is reality we should get to work now bye it's not just in Europe south and east that locales are underserved by open vehicle circumstance is comparable here in northern France where there are no transports or trains individuals move away the more individuals walk out on their district the more open administrations are cut an endless loop the outcome abandoned stretches of Field [Music] in France something new is being tried here the neighborhood government comes to individuals unfamiliar we assist individuals with their authority desk work we deal with a wide range of reports ID driver's permit vehicle enlistment And so on we're here in light of the fact that the following greatest city is very far away you need to travel 45 kilometers for each official visit and there are no transports or trains here many individuals don't have a driver's permit at all we've seen that there is a pressing need particularly in provincial regions like this one in the in Division in northern France it's difficult we have been dynamic here for quite a long time and have gotten an ever increasing number of solicitations you'll catch wind of the annuity application precisely she previously finished it up yet they sent back more administrative work all around we should see [Music] no you can't precisely say there's a ton happening here without a vehicle it's convoluted there are practically no shops here in the event that you don't have a vehicle you need to ask your neighbors for help in any case it's troublesome I'm happy they're here they're a

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