What exactly is a Trojan horse

What exactly is a Trojan horse and how can it cause harm?

What exactly is a Trojan horse

It was too late when the horse's belly opened at night. The Trojan War had come to an end when the Greeks finally took control of the long-under siege city of Troy. Even though it still has a negative connotation today, the myth of the Trojan horse persists thousands of years later .Because what was once regarded as a brilliant trick and a masterful engineering feat is now considered a malicious digital pest whose sole purpose is to wreak havoc on the computers of its victims undetected. It accomplishes this by reading passwords, recording keyboard movements, or facilitating the spread of additional malware, which has the potential to hold the entire computer hostage .Some of these actions include:

  • Eliminating data
  • obstructing data
  • changing data
  • Copies of data
  • disrupting computer networks or their performance
Trojans, in contrast to worms and other computer viruses, cannot replicate themselves.

Types of Trojan

Trojans with backdoors

They are one of the simplest Trojans, but they could also be the most dangerous. This is due to the fact that in their capacity as a gateway, they can either load any kind of malware onto your system or at least make your computer susceptible to attack. Botnets are frequently established via a backdoor. Your computer joins a zombie network that is used for attacks without your knowledge. Backdoors can also be used to monitor your web traffic and execute code and commands on your device.


A program that exploits a flaw in an application on your computer is known as an "exploit." It may contain data or code.

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Rootkits are made to hide things or activities from your system. Most of the time, their main goal is to keep malicious programs from being found, which allows them to run longer on infected computers.

Trojans that download/drop files

The Emotet malware, one of the most well-known dropper Trojans, has since been removed, but unlike backdoor Trojans, it is unable to execute any code on the PC itself. Instead, it brings along additional malware, such as the ransomware Ryuk and the banking Trojan Trickbot. Therefore, droppers and downloader Trojans are similar, with the difference that downloaders require a network resource to extract malware from the network. The other potentially harmful components in the program package are already present in the Droppers themselves. Both kinds of Trojans can be remotely and secretly updated by the programmers who wrote them, making it impossible for virus scanners to find them with new definitions, for instance. This also makes it possible to add new functions.

Trojans for banks

Trojans that target banks are among the most prevalent. This is not surprising given the growing acceptance of online banking and the carelessness of some users; they offer attackers a promising means of quickly obtaining money. Their objective is to acquire bank account access credentials. Phishing is one method they use to accomplish this, sending the alleged victims to a manipulated page where they are instructed to enter their access credentials, for instance. As a result, you should never enter your access data on a web interface when using online banking and instead use secure methods for verification, such as only the bank's app.

DDoS malware

The web is still plagued by distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. A botnet or server is typically torpedoed with requests in these attacks. For instance, Amazon repelled a record attack on its servers in the middle of June 2020.With a data throughput of 2.3 terabytes per second, Amazon's web services were targeted for more than three days. To attain that much computing power, a massive botnet must exist. So-called zombie computers make up botnets. They appear to be moving normally, but they are also acting stealthily as attackers. This is because a Trojan with a backdoor lurks on the computer undetected and can be activated by its owner if necessary. Websites or entire networks can no longer be accessed if a botnet or DDoS attack is successful.

Trojans disguised as antivirus software

Trojans that pretend to be antivirus software are especially sneaky. They pose a serious threat to each device rather than protecting it. With the alleged discovery of a virus, they want to panic unsuspecting users and convince them to pay for effective protection. However, rather than a helpful virus scanner, the user only encounters additional issues as their payment information is transmitted to the Trojan's creator for further exploitation. Therefore, you should disregard the virus warning displayed in your browser whenever you visit a website and rely solely on your system's virus scanner.

Instant Messaging Trojan

ICQ, MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Pager, Skype, and other instant messaging applications' login information and passwords are stolen by Trojan-IM programs. One possibility is that these instant messengers are hardly ever used. However, Trojans can infect even the newest messenger services. Trojans could also target Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal. A Telegram channel was used to commandeer a Windows Trojan as recently as December 2020.Additionally, phishing attacks should be prevented from affecting instant messaging.
A Trojan named Sky go free was discovered by Kaspersky security researchers in January 2018.Even if the user has deactivated the Wi-Fi function on their device, the malware can still connect to Wi-Fi networks on its own thanks to its extremely advanced functions. The popular messaging app WhatsApp can also be monitored by the Sky go free Trojan. It can read messages and steal messages.

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