Famous 10 Ethical Hackers The History of the World

 Famous 10 Ethical Hackers The History of the World

The following is a list of some well-known ethical hackers, some of whom were once known as "black hat" cybercriminals but have since paid the price for their wrongdoings before putting their remarkable skills to use.

Mark Abene:
                        Mark Abene, who used to be a member of the hacker groups Masters of Deception and Legion of Doom, now goes by the name Phiber Optik. He was one of the first ethical hackers to openly discuss the advantages and value of ethical hacking as a business tool. Some of Abene's most important services include on-site vulnerability assessments, reverse engineering, cyber fraud investigations, and security awareness programs. He is Evian's well-known director of cybersecurity. He was Identity Guard's chief code inspector in the past. He helped to establish Trace Vector and worked for Significant Association Baseball Progressed Media as a coder, software engineer, and worker for hire.

Helsingius, Johan:

                                Julf, also known as Johan Helsingius, became well-known in the 1980s after launching penet.fi, the largest and most widely used private remailer. As the first pan-European internet company, Eunet International, Johan was also in charge of product development. He currently serves on the board of Technologia Incognita, a hackerspace in Amsterdam, where he lends his expertise in cyberspace to communication businesses all over the world.

Torvalds, Linus:

                                One of the greatest hackers in history is regarded as Linus Torvalds. He rose to prominence as the developer of Linux, a popular operating system based on Unix. Tens of thousands of professional developers contribute to the kernel of Linux, which is open-source software. However, Torvalds still has final say over any new code that is incorporated into the Linux kernel. As of 2006, Torvalds alone wrote about 2% of the Linux kernel. While working on the best operating system, he wants to be straightforward and have fun.

Matthew Mitnick:

                                   One of the world's best white hat hackers is Kevin Mitnick. After unintentionally breaking into forty large organizations, he was once the FBI's Most Wanted Hacker. He is now a highly sought-after security expert for 500 businesses and government agencies worldwide. Mitnick's security perceptions have assisted him with being a pundit, security expert, and a featured expert on CNN, CNBC, FOX News, BBC, and an hour, to give some examples. .In addition, he has published a few books, including Art of Deception and Art of Intrusion.

Morris Roberts:

                               Robert Morris was the one who came up with the Morris Worm, which was the first computer worm to hit the internet. The worm has the ability to render computers unusable at a critical speed. Because of his actions, he was given a sentence of three years of probation, 400 hours of community service, and a $10,500 fine! Morris is currently employed as a university professor at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab. 
Chuck Miller:

                        After receiving his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame, Charlie Miller worked as a computer hacker for the National Security Agency for a period of five years. He has also provided security consulting services to Uber ATC and Twitter. In the annual Pwn2Own contest, he won the Super Bowl of computer hacking four times. He was the first person with permission to remotely breach the iPhone and Android phones when they were released. The ethical hacker, who has been featured in a number of magazines and television shows, has also demonstrated how to hack into Fiat Chrysler automobiles to control the radio, brakes, and even the steering wheel! Cruise currently employs Miller as a security specialist for autonomous vehicle security.

Hoglund, Greg:

                            Greg Hoglund is a PC criminology master who has contributed essentially to the world's mission to battle unsafe danger entertainers. Some of his most well-known specialties include virus detection, hacker attribution, and physical memory forensics. His proficiency in penetration testing is evident when his creative creativity is examined.
Hoglund is a significant asset for white hat software testing because he has patented fault injection techniques. Additionally, he is the founder of a number of businesses, including the technological security firm HB Gary. In 2008, the company joined the McAfee Security Innovation Alliance.

Shimomura Tsutomu:

                                    Tsutomu-Shimomura became well-known after assisting the FBI in the 1995 search for Kevin Mitnick. He wrote the quest-related book Takedown in 2000.In his prior years, the Japanese PC security expert filled in as an exploration researcher at the College of California. He also worked at the National Security Agency, where he made people more aware of the cyber threats to mobile phones. Neofocal, a company that develops smart LED networks, was founded by Shimomura, who serves as CEO.

Moore, HD:

                    H. D. Moore is a network security consultant, free software developer, and hacker. The Metasploit Project and the Metasploit Framework, a bundle of vulnerability scanning software, are both his creations.
He was the chief research officer at Rapid7, a cybersecurity software and cloud solutions company based in Boston. He was in charge of the Metasploit Framework project until he left Rapid7 in 2016.Following his departure from Rapid7 and the establishment of Rumble, Inc., a software company that develops Rumble Network Discovery, Moore joined Atredis Partners as vice president of research and innovation.

Kaminsky, Dan:

                            In 2008, Dan Kaminsky became well-known as a security researcher. He was the one who discovered a particular flaw in the DNS system that made it possible for any hacker to launch cache poisoning attacks against almost every nameserver.
Kaminsky has always been at the forefront of the fight against cybercrime. He was one of the first to discover that Conficker-infected hosts shared a detectable characteristic. He also discovered a lot of flaws in the SSL protocol, which were quickly fixed .In addition, Kaminsky created Interpolique, a tool that makes it easier for developers to deal with injection assaults.


                    This article, which features some of the world's most well-known white hat hackers, has demonstrated that hacking requires a high level of skill. Hackers stand out because of the reasons behind their actions. By protecting email, devices, databases, and networks, ethical hackers provide a safety net for your businesses and communities.

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