Black Hat Hackers

What exactly is a Black Hat hacker?

Black Hat Hackers

You probably know what a hacker is if you keep up with technology and watch the news. However, you may not be aware that hackers can be classified as Black Hat, White Hat, or Gray Hat. The terms come from the color scheme used in westerns from the 1950s, in which the bad guys wore black hats and the good guys wore white or other light colors.
Criminals who intentionally enter computer networks are known as "black hat hackers. "They may also distribute malware that steals passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information, holds computers hostage, or destroys files.
Even though hacking has become an important tool for governments to gather intelligence, Black Hats still tend to work alone or with organized crime groups to make easy money. One example is the Winery ransomware that was released in May 2017.Around 400,000 computers in 150 countries were infected by it in the first two weeks of its release. Decryption tools were made available by security experts within days of Wanna Cry's appearance, limiting extortion payments to approximately $120,000, or slightly more than 1% of the potential haul.

Hacking is an industry.

Using purchased hacker tools to take advantage of security flaws, many Black Hat hackers started out as novice "script kiddies."Managers eager to make a quick buck trained some to hack. The best Black Hats are usually skilled hackers who work for sophisticated criminal organizations that sometimes offer service agreements to customers and collaboration tools to their employees, just like legitimate businesses. Black Hat malware kits are sold on the Dark Web, which is the part of the internet that is deliberately hidden from search engines. Sometimes, these kits even come with warranties and customer support.
It should come as no surprise that Black Hat hackers frequently develop specializations, such as managing remote access tools or phishing. Forums and other connections on the Dark Web are how many people get their "jobs. "Some individuals prefer to work through franchises or leasing arrangements, just like in the legitimate business world, while others prefer to develop and sell malicious software independently.
Malicious software is easy to distribute, in part because hacking is now a big business. Partner, reseller, vendor, and associate organizations purchase and sell malware licenses to other criminal organizations for use in new markets or regions.
Even call centers are part of some Black Hat organizations. One example of the misuse of call centers is the phone scam in which a hacker claiming to work for Microsoft calls to assist with a problem. The hacker attempts to persuade potential victims to download software or grant remote access to their computers in this con. Criminals are able to steal passwords and banking information or steal the computer and use it to attack others if the victim grants access or downloads the recommended software. To make matters worse, the victim typically has to pay a high price for this "help."
Numerous hacks do not involve human interaction and are quick and automated. Attack bots search the internet for unprotected computers to infiltrate in these instances. One experiment saw a 71-minute attack on a group of BBC-hosted computers. Phishing attacks began 21 hours after fake employees' email addresses were established in the same experiment. Malware attachments made up 85% of those attacks, and links to compromised websites made up the rest.

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Black Hats are widespread.

The global nature of the Black Hat hacking problem makes stopping it extremely challenging .Four people were arrested in the UK as a result of the Microsoft phone scam, but the calls actually came from India. This indicates that the larger business has not changed.
The fact that hackers frequently use computers of unsuspecting victims, leave little evidence, and cross multiple jurisdictions presents a challenge for law enforcement. Even though authorities are sometimes able to shut down a hacking site in one country, the same group may have multiple nodes in a number of countries, allowing it to operate around the clock.
Keeping your firewall turned on, keeping up-to-date antivirus and anti-spyware software, and installing all operating system updates immediately are all proactive security measures. To further reduce your risk of being hacked, disconnect your computer from the internet or turn it off when you are not using it, and avoid downloading anything from unknown sources.

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